Proven Business Performance Success

We Welcome Business Challenges!

It's fair to say that, if you're reading this, you have a need for a consultant of some sort but sure, there's thousands of us to pick from. How will you make the decision? They either promise you the world or offer a niche service that you don't know if you do or don't need. As always, we’re here to help you make that decision. How? By explaining to you which business challenges we love working with most and why.

Our number one driver is working with leaders who want to design and develop the best performing company they can. Since that's way too broad, we particularly love working with the following organisations:

  • SME business owners who want to grow their business.
  • Executives who want to provide top-draw organisational and personal leadership.
  • Organisations ready to take an innovative approach to performance Management.

Coaching for SME Business Owners

Grow Your SME Business

As an SME business owner, you’re all things to all people but who is there to support you? Evolution Consulting.

Our lead consultant, Irial, loves working with SME business owners. You know your pain points, you listen to potential options, and you really think through how they will make a difference to you. Then you commit to putting your bespoke solution into action!

How many balls are you currently juggling? Which of these points below is you at this very moment?

  • Setting direction and deciding on strategy?
  • Strategic and operational planning?
  • Business development and strategic marketing?
  • Most of the problem solving and decision making?
  • Wanting to scale but don’t know how to build the capacity?
  • Trying to work on the business while constantly getting pulled into the business?
  • Leading the team and bringing them with you?
  • Creating a cooperative and high-performing culture?

If you’re regularly juggling one or more of these and you could wave a magic wand, which one challenge would you make disappear or at least lessen the impact? What difference would that one change mean to you and your business?

If you like the positive impact that change can potentially make to you, and your business, let’s talk and explore how Evolution Consulting can help you. 

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For Executives Seeking Positive Organisational Change

Evolve Your Business Leadership

Successfully leading organisations requires a range of different leadership skills:

  • Strategic direction, innovation, and planning: to provide direction
  • Organisational design: to align with your strategy
  • Personal leadership: to inspire your team

It’s tempting to think we can do all this ourselves but can we? Really?

While some leaders naturally play in these areas, most leaders are too busy dealing with the daily operations that it’s very difficult to step out to take a high-level view of their business. This is where Evolution Consulting can help you.

Whether it’s facilitating innovation and strategy workshops, crafting strategies and strategic roadmaps, challenging group think and recency bias, guiding your leadership team through organisation design phases, or developing personal leadership, Evolution Consulting will design a bespoke solution to your leadership goals.

If you’re looking for help in providing leadership across your organisation or your function/team, let’s talk and explore how Evolution Consulting can help you.

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For Organisations Ready to Take an Innovative Approach

Succeed at Performance Management

As a HR, C-suite executive, or business owner, do you suspect there has to be a better way to do “performance management” in the 21st century? There is.

We combine job design, behavioural, and leadership competencies, along with relevant knowledge and skills, to create a developmental framework unique to your business. A common employee response to this new approach is “oh, that makes sense!” Not a sentiment often heard when it comes to performance management!

At Evolution Consulting, we also take an innovative approach to ratings. Changes made by Deloitte and Accenture to their performance management processes show that people like to have some sort of rating. Rather than using the standard 5-point Meets Expectations, Exceeds, etc, we use a more meaningful rating scale that acknowledges the various nuances of performance.

If you’re looking for a more effective and meaningful performance management process that acknowledges in the increased complexity of roles, we can help.

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Books to Inspire Your Leadership

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New Book Coming Soon!

Get notified when Irial O’Farrell’s innovative new book on performance management is released. Re-imagining Performance Management for the 21st Century is the perfect literary companion for executives and business leaders seeking to evolve their business practices!

Resources for Business Growth

As a thought leader and author, Irial regularly contributes to podcasts and articles. Feel free to explore these resources and how they relate to your business success.

Free Resources

Get Dedicated Business Coaching

As a business owner, sometimes you just need space to help you see things clearer. That’s what our coaching gives you – the space and support to reflect on how to evolve your business performance.

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We’re Here to Help Your Business Evolve

If you feel it’s time to face your business’ challenges and adapt to new dynamic solutions, drop us an email to schedule a free 30-minute consultation.

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